I just want to say several things regarding the Martin Luther King Jr. Day anonymous article incident.

First, we need to be upset and rebel against the unrighteous system and culture, but we also need to be careful when we dehumanize a person. For instance, when watching the “Transformers” movie, in the scene where justice is being done against the enemy through violence, it feels good. It’s gratifying to see the enemy being crushed and demolished, but it is dangerous to justify letting out our anger caused by injustice against the individual with crowd mentality.

We need to remind ourselves that someone’s ignorance or lack of empathy is rooted from the culture that they grew up in. It is important to draw the line between analytically critiquing the cultural phenomenon and getting personal or emotional at people.

I strongly believe that The Weather Vane should continue publishing anonymous articles in the opinion section. The raw thought of the MLK anonymous article honestly revealed part of our culture and where we are at, which sparked fruitful conversations.

We need to hear each others’ brutally honest words, whether they make us feel uncomfortable or not, in order to face our reality, reexamine our community, and better ourselves.

None of this could have happened without the MLK anonymous article.

Contributing Writer

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