Dear E-M-U Community, 

I recently read the article about a new and improved blue lion mascot to replace the aging Herm. I felt the need to speak up, as a mascot myself, and offer a vision of what opportunities this transition could hold for E-M-U. 

First, for those who don’t know me, I’m Phunky Emu, the rogue mascot. I landed in Harrisonburg in the fall of 2016. I was delighted to bring mystery, magic, and marvelous mayhem to E-M-U’s campus. I came to events, unannounced, handed out pencils to students, shook hands, gave hugs (as requested), and posed for photos. It was never my intention to replace Herm, but rather to complement him. From the moment we saw each other, we embraced and were instant friends. So, what I have to say is not about Herm personally, but about the opportunities that his replacement poses. Specifically, I’m advocating for E- M-U to consider investing in an emu mascot. 

The Obvious Acronym 

I came on the scene to represent. E-M-U. It’s literally spelled out for us. I actually can’t think of anything else to say about this. Why would it not be considered for this reason alone? 

Mascot Mystique & Magic 

Who doesn’t love a good mascot? (Okay, right, I know. I know.) But for the most part, the point of a mascot is to stir up a sense of whimsy, fun, and enthusiasm. This is what I love the most. Just interacting with folks, making them smile or at least inviting them into a bewildered amusement. As a rogue mascot, I got to enjoy this more than some. I came out of nowhere. No one knew how I originated or when to expect me. I lived for the sparks of enthusiasm when there was a Phunky sighting. Over time, I developed a presence and a following. Community visionaries like Tyler Goss sought me out to help with E-M-U spirit and celebration. It was magical. It’s supposed to be magical. People don’t expect an emu mascot, which is why it holds so much potential! 

Here for the Athletes 

I realize that the main group that a mascot represents is the Athletics Department. I have heard rumblings that an emu mascot would not be welcomed because it would be seen as a joke. I am here to say ABSOLUTELY NOT! While it’s true that emus can be hilarious (bonus!), here are a few facts that should be considered: 

1. Emus are listed as one of the most dangerous birds in the world. 2. Emus are the second largest bird in the world. 3. Emus are the only birds with calf muscles. 4. Emus have two sets of eyelids – one for blinking, the other for keeping dust out. Clear eyes, 

full heart, can’t lose! 5. Emus can sprint up to 30 MPH. 6. Emu feathers protect them from solar radiation so they can BEAT. THE. HEAT. 7. Emus have a powerful kick and can be vicious fighters. 8. A group of emus is known as a MOB. 

You Can’t Spell Amusement without E-M-U 

Have you heard of the Savannah Bananas? If not, you need to! Their slogan is “We make baseball fun!” Check out their website: https://thesavannahbananas.com/about-us/ Seriously, don’t read any further before you watch this video of their inspiring story. 

My understanding is that student athletes come to E-M-U because they love their sports and they want to play them! I may be way off here, but I’m guessing this is fun for most of them. Why not let the mascot foster that good-natured fun among the fans as well? What if it were to spread like wildfire? What if community members began to show up in droves because the events are too fun to turn down? What if all of this inspires the athletes even more. What if they get more than they bargain for? What if the university gets more than it bargains for!/ This is what can happen when we think outside the box! 

Gender: I’m Going There! 

How many female mascots can you think of? Go ahead, I’ll wait… 

Well, you know me! Phunky is Phemale! The Phuture is Phemale! The current royals symbol depicts ONLY a male lion with a mane. This is not inclusive of the many amazing female athletes on E-M-U’s campus. Before us lies an opportunity to be phorward thinking. Designed by women, Phunky was designed intentionally phemale. Want to know why phemale emus are available for mascotting? It’s because the males are incubating the eggs. Gender equity is not just for the birds! 

And right, this is still entirely too binary, but it’s a step in the right direction. In that case, why not have both the male royal and phemale emu as mascots? We can be more than just one thing. There are so many ways this can be creatively carried out. Are we not willing to try? I can tell you from experience that Herm and I were a great team. Two mascots interacting are ALWAYS better than one. Like P and H make this paragraph more interesting than F alone. TEAMWORK! 

The Writing is on the Wall 

The first time I showed up on campus, I heard a student declare, “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this!” Students are already ushering in the presence of an emu mascot. A beautiful emu mural was painted by E-M-U honors students and can be found in the E-M-U snack shop! 

Please don’t pass up this opportunity to view the phuture with creative vision with phlare and phun. It doesn’t have to be Phunky, but it can be PHABULOUS! 

Afterall, emu spelled backwards is u and me! Let’s do this! 

Phorever yours,

Phunky Emu

Contributing Writer

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