In the United States, immigration is a difficult topic.  It has resulted in population growth and cultural change throughout the nation. In politics, immigration is a topic that can impact election results, both locally and at a national level. Each presidential administration in the United States has come up with different policies that have affected and benefited immigrants. For instance, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) passed in 1986 was a law that prohibited knowingly employing illegal immigrants, but it also provided citizenship to a large number of immigrants. Former President Trump’s administrationimposed a travel ban on seven largely-Muslim countries, creating an immense effort to build a wall, carried out mass deportation, increased  ICE raids,, and arrested immigrants who were caught illegally crossing the border, separating families. 

Many individuals have different stances regarding the US border patrol. For instance, Jessamine Domingo, a first-year student, said, “It needs some improvement regarding the way they treat immigrants…, and there should be some kind of rule that prevents families from being separated.”

Luis Bran believes that “the country needs the border patrol, because they take care of the borders, and they not only prevent immigrants from crossing the border, but they also prevent illegal drugs, weapons or any possible threat to the country.”

Immigrants also impact the economy of the United States. Domingo said, “Immigrants hold the jobs that others do not want or like.”

Bran also stated, “They bring restaurants, foods, and they work in construction, cleaning, and many jobs that are necessary to maintain this economy.”

The former presidential administration created a huge impact on how immigrants are viewed and treated in this country. Bran declared, “Racism increased not only for an immigrant coming from Central America but for immigrants that come from many different countries and cultures.”

In the last couple of years, the media has also played an important role in how Americans living in the United States view immigrants. Bran said, “There are times when the media only shows one side of the story, and for the most part, news and many platforms only show the bad things.”

When it comes to reforms and laws that can affect immigrants, the information can be hard to access for everyone, and many people may be unaware of these policies.

Enna Lainez, a first-year student, said, “The government and media should work better in informing or educating the public about what the country can offer to them.”

Domingo stated, “The media and government should be honest with the public about the immigration policies, so everyone is aware of what is going on instead of assuming right away that anyone who is not from this country is illegal.” 

Bran said, “There are times when requirements for different reforms are not explained with enough detail, and the government doesn’t present enough information.”

When it comes to immigration, it can be challenging to provide results that will benefit everyone or provide positive outcomes. However, it is important to provide real information about the constant change in laws regarding immigration.

Staff Writer

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