
  • Coronavirus has been quite good at lessening the effects of climate change. Since quarantines have begun, there has been a decline in nitrogen levels and areas of clearer water. Guys, we figured it out. The solution to climate change is staying at home. Nobel Prize here I come.
  • Many of us were able to have a wonderful home-cooked meal this week. Much earlier than we anticipated, but much better than all the pop tarts I’ve been meal prepping. 
  • Communities around the world have been coming together to ensure each other’s safety and health. This is like the most successful group project ever. 
  • Despite everything, the Weather Vane is still publishing in these trying times. Not even the end of the world can keep us from providing top-notch journalism. We do miss the free pizza though. 


  • Last semester, we asked what the new plague would be on campus. We weren’t actually expecting an answer.
  • We are all working hard to get used to the new Zoom platform for classes. This is a friendly reminder to always check if you’re muted, we’ve heard things this week that we hoped we’d never hear. 
  • If you think about it, this social distancing thing is a lot like exam week. Sitting in small, dark rooms on the computer for hours on end. Not seeing another human being for days. Eating that granola bar you forgot was at the bottom of your backpack out of desperation. The only difference is, this is prolonged. Oh god, no. 
  • Much of the country took to panic buying this past week. Thankfully, I’ve been preparing for this my whole life as I do most things in a panic.
Rachael Brenneman

Opinion Editor

Erin Beidler

Review Editor

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