“Royals Go Downtown” made a grand return in 2023, going all out for this year’s city excursion. The event started off with speeches by EMU President Dr. Susan Shultz Huxman and Harrisonburg Mayor Deanna Reed to get students excited for what was to come. The already soaring energy spiked higher when Herm the Lion made an appearance at the starting location, Magpie Diner. Featuring seventeen vendors (twice as many as last year), students were able to enjoy a variety of free food during their stroll through the streets. These foods ranged from Grilled cheese sandwiches at Grilled Cheese Mania to mango lassi at Taj of India.

“The blended lemonade was really good,” commented fourth year Julie Weaver. Students received this slushie-like drink at Sage Bird Ciderworks, the third stop along the route. This event allowed students, especially first years, to see what affordable dining options are near campus. Accompanied by EMU’s own Rockin’ Royals pep band, the group covered roughly three quarters of a mile walking through town. There were some very boisterous moments with the band, including outside of Rockingham County Circuit Court where Music Professor Dr. David Berry led the masses in a proud EMU chant.

“The vibes are great,” remarked third year Canyon Penner, and many students echoed the same sentiment. The grand finale of “Royals Go Downtown” happened at Turner Pavilion, with the event culminating in a dance party with Benny’s Pizza for all. True to her word at this year’s Opening Convocation, Mayor Reed was in fact the first person out on the dance floor, busting out her moves as students arrived. Eight non-profit organizations, as well as a couple of other businesses in the Harrisonburg community, had booths set up at the opposite end of the pavilion from the dance floor. Nearly all of the tables had goodies for the students to grab, with some having snacks and others having small trinkets.

During the Royals’ convoy through Harrisonburg, a surprise was revealed about something that has been in the works for some time now. Located right next door to Shirly’s Gourmet Popcorn Company, University Outpost has been a merchandise and apparel store exclusively for JMU since 1990. Coming soon, University Outpost will carry EMU merchandise in addition to the neighboring university’s. This means that for the first time, EMU will have a permanent physical apparel store, which is very exciting.

While waiting for the bus to return to campus, second year Emily Suarez Nuñez said that overall “it was pretty fun, I enjoyed it.” This was the general consensus among students who attended, making the event a success. Given that it was so popular this year, who knows what big plans could be in the works for next year’s “Royals Go Downtown.”

Staff Writer

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