
by Hannah Beck, first-year

I see the people around me

Making themselves smaller

Making themselves quieter

Trying to reach just enough

But never too much

And I’m angry

Angry that the world has pushed us to do this to ourselves

Angry that I feel bad about being angry

Angry that I’ve missed little pieces of richness

Angry that we’ve been convinced that the most important thing we need to achieve,

Is giving up very thing that makes us who we are

We only silence ourselves because that is what the world has taught us.

It is not about stopping,

It is about beginning

Begin to stand up taller

Begin to take up space

Begin to feel your anger

Begin to allow the anger to leave your mouth

You are not meant to be


You are not meant to be


You are not meant to be

Held down

I know the world is doing all of this to you

So the first step towards escape

Is to find your powerful truth

And set it free