Happy March! We hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having recently. Here is your update from the SGA meeting on March 3!

We discussed the following items:

  • The 2021 Spring Board report has been submitted 
  • A funding request from Ethan Beiler for the Senior Design Engineering class
    • They plan on using funds for their dynamic aviation senior capstone project
    • Their request was approved
  • A funding request from Destiny Daughter’s
    • They will use their funds for a week-long event consisting of a women’s march, trivia, women’s tea, and self-care
    • Their request was approved
  • Open floor
    •  Discussed the cancellation of the cross-cultural to Europe, and what would have to happen to have it changed
    • Discussed how many students were unhappy with the conditions/care in quarantine/isolation, and how to improve communication so students can get what they need (visit emu.edu/sga to read the full discussion!)

That’s all for this week! We’re almost halfway through this semester! Good luck on any midterms/finals you have! You got this!

Liz Hoffman

SGA Secretary 

Circulation Manager

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